November 2006
Featuring A New Graphic Novel by Stan & Vince!
(Click on to preview!)
Cover Art by Lorenzo Sperlonga
8. Galactic Geographic by Karl Kofoed
11. Gallery on Gerardo Galindo
16. Dossier by S.C. Ringgenberg
20. The Guru By Autheman
23. Bloody Samurai by Stefano Cardoselli
31 . God Killer by Benoit Delepine and Stan & Vince
60. Tony Danger - Those Were The Days
by Inaki Gonzalez Holgado
70. Lagash by Songgu Kwon
80. Tony Danger - Those Were The Days
by Inaki Gonzalez Holgado
89. Dioptria by Royo and Altarriba
97. At Bottom of Eyes
by Giorgio Pontrelli and Lorenzo Bartolli
119. Artist's Studio on Baron von Lind