HEAVY METAL Magazine January 1993
Cover - Denis Sire
"Gallery: Obsession: A Look At Druuna" - Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
"The Game" - Matthias Schultheiss
"Trio Grande: Adios Palomita" - Olivier Vatine, Alain Clément, Fabrice Lamy, and Isabelle Rabarot
"The Hermit And The Fool" - Milan Trenc
"StripTease: Modern Age" - Peter Kuper
"StripTease: The Adventures Of Wormboy!" - Peter Kuper
"StripTease: Lives Of The Artists: Vincent Van Gogh: His Peculiar Behavior" - Michael "P. Revess" Kupperman
"StripTease: Mr. Pumpie's World" - Mark Martin
"StripTease: The Power" - Paul Mavrides
"StripTease: The End" - Kazimieras "Kaz" Prapuolenis
"TKO" - Peter Kuper
"V. I. T.: Rite Of Passage" - Denis Sire
"White Trash: Stage Coach" - Gordon Rennie and Martin Emond
"Incongruous Stories" - Miguelanxo "Miguel Angel" Prado